Friday, May 2, 2014

Animals - Wild & Domestic

While I'd heard that monkeys lived in Vapi, today was the first time I'd seen one. This gray langur was huge, with an extremely long tail, a black face, and feet that looked like they belonged on a kangaroo. Very unlike other monkeys I've seen in India. Definitely doesn't look cute and cuddly!

Gray langur on the street in Vapi.

Yesterday, I saw some egrets at Modern School. Turns out that cattle egrets have tan heads and backs in mating plumage. I'd never seen cattle egrets as anything other than all-white before.

I keep on trying the iPhone zoom, even though I know better. It looks good on the iPhone screen, but it's just a digital zoom, which is really pretty useless. Now that I have a very good compact camera, I probably should be carrying that with me. (But the iPhone is so convenient!)
And yes, you knew there had to cows in here somewhere. Monday was apparently an auspicious day for cattle -- most of the cattle roaming the streets had been marked with red.

This calf was browsing for food in the gutter.
While I was trying to take a picture of this buffalo calf, it was thinking I had some food for it and kept getting too close to get a good photo!

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