Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Tanzania 5 - Tarangire National Park - 2 Legs

17 - 19 December 2014

Birds! Everywhere! Big ones. Little ones. Lots of color!

Little birds with lots of color:

The superb starling is one of the most widespread and colorful birds. Here a pair is nesting in a dead tree.

Kingfishers were also quite common. This is the woodland kingfisher.
White-headed buffalo weavers make interesting nests that hang from acacia trees.
Red-and-yellow barbet
The lilac-breasted roller. It's rainbow of colors.

On to larger birds:

Water thick knee, with its distinctive eye.
Two hamerkops up front; a blacksmith plover in the back.
A helmeted guineafowl. Despite being a common sight, guineafowl were particularly difficult to photograph well.
Yellow-necked spurfowl

Birds of prey and vultures

We saw a number of tawny eagles.
Two African fish eagles in a sausage tree.
Vultures, probably African white-backed
A lappet-faced vulture silhouetted against the sky.

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