Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Long Day on the Bus

Sunday, 15 February 2015

It's now Thursday evening, and it's been about 4 days since we've had a working Internet connection. We've been traveling down the Ganges, and while we've had cellular signals most of the way, Internet connectivity has not generally been available. Last night even voice calls were difficult.

So to catch up:

Hillocks pop up in unexpected places. Here is one right behind a town on the way between Bodh Gaya and Nalanda.
Some of the hillocks have been excavated for stone and/or clay to make bricks.

Brick making is a major industry in the Gangetic plain. Building stone is hard to come by in this area, but bricks are plentiful.  Brick-making is also a significant contributor to the poor air quality.
A lot of coal is burned to make bricks. Pollution control is apparently non-existent.
Bangles for sale along the road in one of the towns we drove through.
Cow dung mixed with straw and sun-dried is a major fuel here. A year's supply is stored on the roof.
A small car loaded to the max.
After a long bus ride from Bodh Gaya to Munger we boarded the RV Bengal Ganga for our week-long journey to Kolkata.
Sunset on the Ganges.

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