Saturday, June 10, 2017


Friday, 26 May 2017

The ancient city of Aigai is near the modern village of Vergina. It was an early capital of Macedonia, and several royal tombs were discovered here in the 1970s -- possibly the tombs of Philip II. The tombs were buried under a "tumulus" or artificial hill. Today they are shown in situ in an underground museum. This was probably the most interesting museum we visited on our trip, even if we had to put up with hundreds of school children visiting at the same time. Unfortunately, photography is prohibited, so this is a limited post!

This small hill is the tumulus that covers the tombs and museum at Aigai (Vergina).
I couldn't take photos, so this is the plan of the museum. The long narrow chambers are the two tombs. The hexagonal rooms on the left hold the remains of a cyst tomb, a heroo¨n (shrine to a hero), and a fourth tomb. The rest of the museum is devoted to artifacts recovered at the site. Altogether, it's a spectacular museum.

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