Thursday, February 27, 2025

Finland: Huskies & Reindeer

Among the activities offered at the resort are Husky Safaris (dog sleds) and Reindeer Safaris (reindeer sleighs). We enjoyed both, but the dog sleds were by far the most fun.


Friday, 21 February 2025

The huskies live to run. If they're not running, they're usually barking. As soon as you begin to let up on the brake, the dogs take off.

We each had a turn to ride and drive.

After the ride is over, there's "meet and greet" time with the dogs.


Saturday, 22 February 2025

The reindeer are semi-domesticated. In the spring they are released to roam wild through the woods. In the fall they are rounded-up and returned to their owners for the winter.

The reindeer sleighs were set up in a line - two people per sleigh. We were surprised to see how small the reindeer are.

The tour guide, in traditional Sami dress, prepares a sleigh.

The guide leads the whole procession of sleighs.

The reindeer have peculiar hooves. At first we thought they had some sort of special horseshoe, but their split hooves are adapted to grip ice and snow, and the two halves click against each other as they walk.

A closer look at their feet.

All bundled up for a sleigh ride.

An impressive rack. Both male and female reindeer have antlers. They have the largest antlers in the early years, dwindling to a spike in very old reindeer. That's the opposite of the white-tailed deer we're familiar with.

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