Sunday, June 16, 2019

China - Xi'an - Nansuo Village

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Our last stop in Xi'an was to visit a nearby agricultural village, Nansuo. The village is quite prosperous because most of the farmers are also very talented artists.

Each resident of the village gets 6,000 sq ft of land to cultivate. (So a family of three would have 18,000 sq ft of agricultural land.) The land is a mix of annual crops, like wheat at the right, and perennials.
Perennial crops include grapes (above) and fruit trees.
The Community Building has solar panels on the roof. 
Another view of the Community Building.
An old, unoccupied house sandwiched between two that have been rebuilt.
A rebuilt house.
Our home-visit host had dragon dancers ready for us.
Dragons usually help bring in the Chinese New Year.
Lon grinds some grain the old-fashioned way.
A traditional kitchen with space for two cooking fires.
The kitchen is just off to the left, behind the low wall. This is a traditional bed -- warmed by running the kitchen fire exhaust under it before it vents to the outside.
Our host was a well-known artist, and this is his studio.
The artist at work.

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