Saturday, June 29, 2019

China - Yangtze River - Fengdu

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Today's first stop was Fengdu, a night's cruise downriver from Chongqing. While mostly known for its "City of Ghosts", an archaeological site known for its graphic depictions of hell, our tour was of the city itself -- relocated from the opposite shore when the Three Gorges Dam flooded the area.

Early morning on the Yangtze at Fengdu.
The water level in the reservoir behind the dam can vary by over 30 m (100 ft) during the year. The docks have to be able to accommodate this large swing in river level. Today we had to walk up over 150 steps to get to street level.
Exercise on the plaza at the top of the cruise ship dock. Every morning most Chinese citizens enjoy group exercise. Martial arts, ballroom dancing, line dancing, and tai chi are the most popular options.
One of the advantages of traveling in a small group is the opportunity to see "real" homes. This is the living room of a farmer who was given new land and a house just outside Fengdu. His original land was flooded by the dam.
A modern bathroom.
A commercial street in a residential neighborhood in the rebuilt Fengdu.
We also visited a kindergarten school. State schools start at age 6, so all kindergartens are privately run.
The kindergarten had a nice play area surrounded by apartment blocks on all four sides.
We've been seeing these motorcycle covers throughout China, but I finally got a decent photo.

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