Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Lima - Plaza Mayor

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Plaza Mayor (formerly Plaza de Armas) is the historical heart of Lima. We could have spent much more time visiting churches, "convents", and museums in this area.

The cathedral (above) and the Archbishop's Palace next door (out of the photo to the left) anchor one side of the Plaza. We could not enter the cathedral because it was being used for a number of ceremonies such as baptisms.
This arcade separates the two halves of the Post Office. The metal framework is now open, but formerly it had glass panels to make a roof. Currently it is filled with stalls and kiosks selling snacks and souvenirs.
The bell tower of the Convent of Santo Domingo. Although called a "convent" for historical reasons, it is really a "monastery", since it housed monks, never nuns. We climbed the inside stairs to the balcony for a grand view of Lima.
The choir loft in the main church in Santo Domingo. The huge book in the middle is a song book that was large enough for all the monks in the choir to see.
A stained glass window commemorating the three saints of Lima.
The largest of two cloisters in Santo Domingo.
The Biblioteca (library). The monks are statues, but scholars can get permission to view/read the books.
The smaller cloister. The interior of the cloisters were very quiet, unlike the noise of traffic and more just outside the walls.
The smaller church in Santo Domingo.
Santa Rosa de Lima's grave is in a crypt below the convent. Below this level are catacombs/ossuaries, and a mirror gives a glimpse of the bones.

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